🎥 ❨ Killers of the Flower Moon — Teaser ❩

18 May 2023 movies trailers video

I wasn’t sure how to feel about this previously (not having read the book and not really knowing what it’s about), but this teaser trailer has me feeling very optimistic.

The 3:26 runtime is pretty daunting, but there’s something about the trailer giving me this idea it’s a culmination of sorts for Scorsese, bringing a lot of his previous work together in a new way—while it’s not a mob movie, it’s a period piece set in the 1920’s with some vibes reminiscent of Silence plus that daunting shot of the fat cats who run things at the end, and then there’s Leo, obviously.

And while it’s coming from Apple (and Paramount), it’ll hit theaters first on October 6th.

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