
Welcome to The Independent Variable, the official linkblog of the interwebs covering culture, sports, and news since 2012.

TIV is edited and published by humdrum industries and aims to be the homepage of the web with all the links fit for your eyeballs to peruse.

We believe in the independent internet and respect your privacy. We are tracker-free and AI-free. No cookies, no analytics. Just wonderful, plain old text straight to your eyeballs.

Here is a list of our main sources aka the blogroll.


TIV is hosted by Blot and powered by actions from the wonderful Drafts app.

Style Guide


Typefaces come from the stellar Ohno Type and Arillatype.Studio.

Casserole Blackletter is used for the word mark; Sans is used for headers.

At Textual is used for the body text.

Vulf Mono is used for interstitial thoughts, quotes, dates, and tags.



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