🎥 Babylon - Trailer

21 September 2022 movies video

This looks fantastic. Whiplash is one of my all-time favorites (especially as a drummer myself) and La La Land was okay… I think I had it in the back half of my top ten the year it came out and it obviously had Oscar buzz (pre-slap it was arguably the most memorable moment in the history of award shows), but it’s something I’ve had no interest in returning to or really having any fond memories to think of.

However, with Babylon, I’m getting really good feelings. It looks bombastic and absurd without being corny and has a stellar cast led by Margot Robbie and out-of-this-world production design. I think this might be another hit for writer/director Damien Chazelle. Limited release is on Christmas with a January 6th (😵) full theatrical release.

Speaking of tv and movies…

I’m not really comfortable promoting myself1 (which is why this is hidden in this here post), but since I have you2… I’ve been getting back to my newsletter in a pretty big way as of late. At the beginning of every week, I send out Streaming Variability, all about tv in a curated fashion and then to wrap the week I send out the news, which is a little design (the likes you may have seen here in the past) with a couple of links to articles from the interwebs. The nice thing about having it set-up on Substack is they are split out, so you can subscribe to everything or one or the other. One day I’ll actually get back to my zine, foofaraw, but that’s a topic for another day.

  1. although I will eventually make a post about what I’m doing… and hopefully not jinx it all…↩︎

  2. if you haven’t jumped ship at the first sign of promoting myself”…↩︎

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