23 June 2020 🐜 🏀

I really feel like the NBA season is going to end up getting cancelled before it even begins and it makes me incredibly sad. The manner with which Florida and the country at large have handled things creates too great of a risk. While the NBA gives players a great platform to speak and be heard amidst the rising intensity of the Black Lives Matter movement; it’s a double-edged sword evidenced by the hesitancy of certain players to make millions in the name of entertainment while others are in the streets protesting. Some eligible players have already dropped out (for sound reasons) and now with Jokic testing positive before camps have even begun… What is the NBA going to do if ten or more contract COVID-19 in Orlando? I really, really wanted to see the NBA return, but I think it’s just too much. Most of all, it shows the terrible leadership in our country (and Florida) given the pretty successful return of soccer around the world. Maybe I’ll end up being wrong though, but at this point I’d scrap it and start figuring out how to have a safe and successful return for next season this fall.

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