10 March 2020
I started thinking, “if I can only buy/consume something from a single entity, what would that entity be.” The idea started with my love for Gimlet Media, and the idea I’d probably be fine if I could only listen to their podcasts. The j thought it’d be fun to do this across a broad number of categories. Below is what I’ve come up with so far and shows my first choice in bold and second choice in italics surrounded by parenthesis.
I’ll probably try to revisit this occasionally and add categories as they come to mind.
Gimlet Media
The New Yorker
(Wired or The Atlantic)
Criterion Channel
The New York Times
(The Economist)
(Wool and Prince)
Air Jordan (I Low)
The Ringer..?
Orbital Operations
Hop Butcher for the World
Image Comics
(Marvel (w/ Unlimited) otherwise DC)