đź”— Fraidycat (Prototype Vid) đź“ą

4 June 2019 video link


Awesome tool from Kicks Condor. It’s like an RSS reader, but it takes you to each site instead of displaying the stripped down text from each post through the RSS feed. Fraidycat displays a little graph for each site to show you how many updates have occured, giving you an idea of what to browse. This also allows Kicks to work some magic to show updates on TiddlyWiki’s as well.

It allows sorting for how frequently you want to see them too. So you can visit different sites daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or real-time for keeping everything front of mind.

I’d love to see an RSS reader on iOS incorporate some of these ethos. I read most web things through RSS these days and it takes away some of the whimsy of the web, eliminating the delightful details certain individuals put time into making their sites beautiful. I know I love to see my own site because of the time I’ve put into it, and most places on the web are even better looking. An app like Reeder could open up each post in it’s in-app browser right away, rather than feed you the plain text (and maybe incorporate a content blocker to avoid ad heavy spaces as well…). I know you can usually click the title of articles to have this happen, but making it a default would be a neat little feature to avoid the extra step. They could also incorpate Reeder’s down arrow to jump right to the next post.

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