πŸͺ Links Ahoy //11102020//

11 October 2020 link lynx


  • πŸŽ™ Hunting an Invisible Killer β€” Science Vs β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • πŸŽ™ Keith Knight of β€œWoke,” and Jia Tolentino Picks Three β€” The New Yorker Radio Hour β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • πŸŽ™ The Latest on the President’s Health β€” The Daily β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • πŸŽ™ The Election, as Seen from Swing States β€” The New Yorker Radio Hour β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • πŸ“° Statues - Austin Kleon by Sunday, October 4, 2020 //041020// austinkleon.com
  • πŸ“° Could the Coronavirus Stop Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court Confirmation? by Jane Mayer //051020// www.newyorker.com
  • πŸŽ™ Plague β€” The Anthropocene Reviewed β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm



  • πŸ“° At the White House, Trump Takes Off His Mask and Sends a Dangerous Message by Amy Davidson Sorkin //061020// www.newyorker.com
  • πŸ“° What Earth Owes to Black Holes by Marina Koren //071020// www.theatlantic.com
  • πŸŽ™ #105 | Tyrannosaurus FX β€” Twenty Thousand Hertz β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • πŸŽ™ Roman Mars β€” Servant of Pod with Nick Quah β€” Overcast //// overcast.fm


  • πŸ“° Self-Improvement and the Big Walk //// feedbin.com


  • πŸ“Ή Blur - Song 2, but every β€œwoohoo” is done by Mario - YouTube //// youtu.be

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