🍪 Links Ahoy //10052020//

10 May 2020 link lynx


  • 📰 Daily Cartoon: Monday, May 4th by Condé Nast //040520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 Wile E. Coyote v. Acme Company by Ian Frazier //190290// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 New Claim That Enemies of U.S. Developed Trump in Lab by Andy Borowitz //040520// www.newyorker.com


  • 📰 Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, May 5th by Condé Nast //050520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 Murder Hornets Doubt They Can Do as Much Damage as Trump by Andy Borowitz //050520// www.newyorker.com





  • 🎙 The Scaredy Cats Horror Show — Reply All — Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • 📰 Lessons on Being a Critic, from the Classic Children’s Book Anatole” by Richard Brody //070520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 The White House’s Push to Reopen the Economy This Early Is a Dangerous Gamble by John Cassidy //050520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 Demystifying the Golden State Warriors by Hua Hsu //050520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 The U.S. Soccer Team Is Still Fighting for Equal Treatment by Louisa Thomas //040520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 Quarantine Stew by Ethan Kuperberg //040520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 Silicon Valley is racing to build the next version of the Internet. Fortnite might get there first. by Gene Park //// www.washingtonpost.com
  • 📰 Voice of Their Generation - Lightspeed Magazine //// www.lightspeedmagazine.com
  • 📰 A cup of tea is a hot, wet, aromatic Swiss army knife by Hannah Jane Parkinson //010520// www.theguardian.com
  • 📰 The Routines That Keep Us Sane by Mason Currey //300320// www.theatlantic.com
  • 📰 Opinion | The Nude Selfie Is Now High Art by By Diana Spechler //240420// www.nytimes.com


  • 🎙 Taking To Be Out of the Question — We Have Concerns — Overcast //// overcast.fm
  • 📰 A Piece Of CASTLEVANIA Season 3 Script //100520// warrenellis.ltd
  • 📰 Week 6, mechanism or bust //// www.robinsloan.com
  • 📰 The Enduring Romance of the Night Train by Anthony Lane //040520// www.newyorker.com
  • 📰 Only Nineties Kids Will Remember the Way Things Used to Be by Jonathan Zeller //080520// www.newyorker.com
  • 🎙 Mr. Battery — Do By Friday — Overcast //// overcast.fm

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