🎹 2024/365 Playlist

12 January 2024 music

Following in the footsteps of Jason Dettbarn of Crucial Tracks, I’m giving the song-a-day playlist for 2024 a go.

I tried in 2023 only making it until April before giving up and deleting the whole thing… I’ve made it 12 days so far this year, hopefully I can keep that up…

If you don’t have Apple Music or want to follow along as songs are added, I’ve been adding Song Whip links to a Futureland journal, that can be followed via RSS. Or you can get my daily Grub newsletter via e-mail or RSS, which also includes each day’s song. Is that too many things to update? Probably… but here we are…

I know we are 12 days in already, but if you create one too let me know as I’d love to follow along.

Edit: I meant to include the criteria for including songs… which, there isn’t much… on most days it’ll be a song that I’m either really enjoying that day, that relates to my mood, or what’s happening in my life/world. However, on Friday’s I’m trying to always include a song from a new release and then on Sunday’s an older song (something prior to the 90’s).

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