☕️ My Morning Beverage: Red Eye

7 June 2020 coffee️

For most of my life I’ve alternated between tea and coffee beverages for that morning caffeine fix. However, for the last seven years it’s been almost exclusively coffee, mostly made with an aeropress until the espresso bug caught me about two years ago. Every morning since then has been accompanied by a double shot from my Breville Bambino for both myself and my significant other.

I’ve started to combine the two and have been loving the results. Apparently it’s called a Red Eye, which I didn’t know was a thing. Basically, I’ll make my double shot (with a local espresso blend), split it into two separate glasses (so a single shot each), make a cup of coffee with my aeropress method, preferably Ethiopian or Kenyan beans, and then split that cup over the two shots. Now I have two super tasty cups of coffee for my significant other and myself.

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