📹 American Gods: Season 2 - Trailer

23 January 2019 video tv

I’m not sure how I feel about this. I was really disappointed Bryan Fuller left the production after S1. Between Pushing Daisies and Hannibal, he created two gorgoeus television shows, deserving more seasons than they received. Then he helped get Star Trek: Discovery off the ground before leaving that production for American Gods. And American Gods S1 had it’s fair share of issues, but just like Pushing Daisies and Hannibal, it was a utterly gorgoeus show.

I have no idea what Bryan Fuller is even up to these days. He had a deal with Spielberg and Apple to work on Amazing Stories, but also left that, seemingly before it even got off the ground.

Getting all of that out of the way, the S2 trailer looks pretty crazy.

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