19 July 2018
Kate Knibbs:
Whatever Chance does with Chicagoist—perhaps it will be a beacon for independent journalism, or in a worst-case scenario, the opposite of that—he will do it in an environment where readers have more choices for independent media than they did in the past. Blessings might fall into Chance’s lap, but if he wants to run a media company, he’ll have to proactively change his attitude toward journalism.
I have a strong affinity for Chance the Rapper. Growing up as a Chicago suburb kid enlists a strong affection for all things Chicago and it doesn’t hurt that Chance is one of the most creative and innovative rappers around today, in my opinion.
All four of the tracks he released today are great but he really hit it out of the park with 65th & Ingleside and I Might Need Security. As a bonus, Chance buying the Chicagoist is pretty cool. I never read it but seeing him support and build something local, along with everything else he’s done for the city, is inspiring. I’m keeping my eyes peeled for the relaunch of the site.