28 December 2014
One of my favorite products at the moment are the pocket memo books from Field Notes. If you want a simple notebook that fits in your pocket and gets out of the way, the classic Kraft covers are perfect. Or, if you want to have a little fun with these classic notebooks the Colors editions provide some variety.
Aaron Draplin of DDC is the designer behind Field Notes and has built up quite the name for himself especially in regards to thick lines. His most recent Thick Lines Poster Series, which includes six different posters each printed in a run of 150, is absolutely beautiful.
Back in May, Draplin did a Ted Talk in Portland about going independent and three weeks ago Lynda.com released a video of him going through the process of designing a logo for a fictional company that was fascinating to observe. If only I could get him to design a logo for this site.
Here is the TED Talk:
And here is the logo design:
Aaron Draplin Takes On a Logo Design Challenge from lynda.com on Vimeo.